31 dezembro 2012

Goodbye 2012, Welcome 2013!

And here we are, back to the time of the year where everybody makes a reviewe of the year that its ending.

About 2012 I can say it was one of the weirdest years of my life.
 It started with a big sad notice of a friend who passed away. I remember you every day Mariana, and I hope you're in a great place. Then bad news at university.
In March started a good phase, when I made my car license and I got a job at Diga Sports doing the job I wished. 
My godson was born, I made my first tatoo and I had a great summer starting my 100% of autonomy.
New back down in October with my father sickness and much stress at work. Buyed my first car, started to live   alone, etc...

With all these diferent times, I can say it was one of the best and at the same time, one of the worst years of my life.

In a way, I'm glad it is ending, and I'm looking foward to the new adventures that 2013 can bring to my life  experience.

I wish you all a 2013 full of amazing experiences!!!