26 abril 2023

Evolution In Process

Last week I had some new life experience about health, where I felt one of the hardest fisical hurt I ever felt. This week I'm trying to get back to my 100%, so today I had one of those days that for society it's a relaxing day. Exfoliant, shacras alignment, SPA, all things that as some friends said today, caring of myself.
Now thinking about it. Yes, it's caring of myself, but to me, was not as relaxing as a day in the nature. 

It's funny how defenitions can change so much from people to people.

All this just made me also realize that as I wish to live so fast, many times I don't have the enough patience to understand the people I have around me. 

It's too hard to me to live slow, but at same time, it's the mesage I'm getting from the universe. Not so fast, neither not so slow... Just need to find the proper velocity...

The hardest part of a metamorfosis, it's to understand yourself in the middle of so many changes... here I go, step by step, trying not to be to slow, neither to fast.

23 abril 2023


10 años más tarde, aquí estoy de vuelta, escribiendo en español.

Hoy escribo en este idioma, porque vivo en España, pero eso no implica que todos mis post de hoy en adelante así lo sean. 

Cada dia es un dia, y escribiré en el idioma que me apetezca en el momento que decida hacer mas alguna publicación.

Simplemente como post de regreso, me gustaría deciros que no tengáis miedo de los cambios, tanto externos como internos, pues eso es, en realidad la belleza de la vida. El facto de que podemos evolucionar, cambiar, hacer diferente, experimentar.

No te dejes atrapar por la monotonía, solo tienes una vida, y es muy importante aprovechar todo lo que puedas!

Hasta Pronto! 
Beijinhos, abraços e muitos palhaços!