13 junho 2012


The name of this blog it's horizons of my thoughts, and I don't remember to talk exactly about thoughts.

Lately some people have being telling me that I think too much.
Maybe that's truth, maybe not... I'm trying to figure out if, in fact, I should think less, or if I think the enough to live my life happy and relaxed, without falling in places that can bring me pain.
It's kind of funny how your thoughts change along your life. When things you told you would never do, you do them, and you enjoy. Food you don't like when you try the first time, and a few years later you like. People that at first time you have a less good impression, and then became good friends, and the other side too. Works you    say you will not want to do and then you do them and you feel realised.

Life it's a surprise box with good and bad things, you can't control all of them, but you can choose how you react to them. For some you have to think before you take the desicions, for other you just have to folow your instint and live the moment without thinking what can happen then, or how will things go be after it. If in those cases things turn into a way that you don't really understand, you just think how to get over it in the best way, and make your move.

Many people say that you should never follow your heart, other say that you shouldn't follow your brain.
I do both! And when one of them speaks louder, I try to calm it down and get the right balance.

Think the enough and Carpe Diem!!!

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