06 julho 2012

The Pursuit of Happiness

I woke up with a big need of writting... What to write? I don't know, I just felt the need of sharing once again some of the thoughts that crossed my mind lately.
People live their life searching for happiness, what it's that? To have a lover? To create a family? To have the job of you life? To be where you want to be? To do what you want to do? To have good friends?
All this things can help you to being happy, depending in wich are your life's objectives. Remember: happyness it's not and end, but a way.
Don't live searching for it, live having it in everything you do!
Fight for your dreams, cause if you really fight for them, they can happen! If they don't it's because is not the time to them yet.

Since more or less 3 month I started to have my full independence. It's amazing when you feel you're the only one who control your life. That you have the power to make decisions by your own, that you can do what you like.
In only 3 month I already made many things that I never had done, because the money I had wasn't really mine, wasn't earned by me.
And you know what? I'm happy! Of course I will not tell you that life's perfect, because it isn't indeed. It's hard to be away of my family and all life friends, it's hard to live in a foreign country where you have to speak another language, where you don't know many people, where you find that many of your life meanings don't really exist, but only depends on you to adapt yourself to that.
I can say I already have some friends here, I can say that I started to enjoy a kind of job that isn't at all my dream job, I can say I learned already many things about others and most important, I learned a lot about myself!

To end this post I just want to let you an advice: don't make depend your happiness of what doesn't depend on you and simplify things. That way you'll fell that life's amazing!

Have a nice night and enjoy every moment, cause one day you'll not be here to read this thoughts!


2 comentários:

Celina=)* disse...

You know what?! I really like you since the first time I saw you... and I am sorry that we never spent more time together... But I love your honesty and simplicity of living life!!! (I'm quite similar...!) I always loved, you know!!! So, I'm waiting for your visit here in the UK, aight?! =D
Take care&Have fun

Um brasileiro disse...

oi. tudo blz. interessante. apareça por la. abraços.