04 setembro 2024


Since a few days I've been having the will to came and make a post, but it's weird how I start writting, and suddently all what I just wrotte, makes no sense to be published...
This it's a great example how our brain can be triking ourselves over and over again.

I'm trying to find out many things about my life, and one of them it's what use will I keep giving to this blog.

It's funny to see that it's here since so many years, to read how the diferent versions of me were thinking before.  

What did Teresa from the 3rd August 2006 wished, in some ways it's different from what today's Teresa wishes, but in general, it is always based in "what it's happiness"? 

It's a goal, or the path?

When I look at this picture, I just think...
... What was my 1 year old version thinking at that moment?

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